0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows Error [FIXED]

Have you ever encountered the frustrating 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error while trying to install an important update or driver? It’s like hitting a dead end on your way to a better, more efficient system. But don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Let me take you back to a typical Monday morning. You wake up, grab your coffee, and settle in front of your computer, ready to tackle the day’s tasks. As you start to install a critical update, you’re suddenly greeted with the dreaded ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND message. Your heart sinks, and frustration starts to creep in.

Meet Sarah, an ambitious professional who relies heavily on her computer for work. She encountered this exact error while trying to update her system. The error seemed cryptic and impossible to decipher, leaving her feeling stuck and unsure how to proceed.

Sarah knew she couldn’t afford to waste any more time. She needed her computer up and running smoothly to meet deadlines and deliver outstanding work. Determined to solve the issue, she turned to the internet in search of solutions.

After reading various forums and troubleshooting guides, Sarah discovered that the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error occurs when the system is unable to locate the necessary file or path during the installation process. Armed with this newfound knowledge, she was ready to tackle the problem head-on.

Key Takeaways

  • Encountering the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error can be frustrating.
  • This error occurs when the system cannot find the required file or path during installation.
  • Researching and understanding the error can help in finding a solution.
  • Seeking assistance from online forums and guides can provide valuable insights.
  • With determination and the right troubleshooting steps, the error can be fixed.

Causes of the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows Error

When encountering the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error, it’s important to understand the common causes that lead to this issue. By familiarizing yourself with these causes, you’ll be better equipped to troubleshoot and resolve the error efficiently.

One of the common causes of the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error is the absence or incorrect location of the required file or folder necessary for the installation or update process. This can occur due to various factors, including:

  • Incorrect file paths: If the specified file path is entered wrongly, the system fails to locate the necessary file, resulting in the error.
  • Missing drivers: The absence of the required drivers can prevent the system from accessing the necessary files, leading to the error.
  • Corrupted system files: If the system files essential for the installation or update process are corrupted, the error may occur.

In addition to these causes, other factors that can contribute to the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error include:

  • Permission issues: Insufficient permissions to access or modify files and folders can trigger the error.
  • Registry problems: Corrupted or invalid entries in the Windows registry can disrupt the installation or update process and result in the error.
  • Virus attacks: Malicious software can interfere with system files, causing errors during installation or update processes.

By understanding these underlying causes, you can effectively address the root issue and resolve the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.

Example Quote:

“The 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error can occur due to various factors, such as incorrect file paths, missing drivers, corrupted system files, permission issues, registry problems, and virus attacks. Identifying the specific cause will help in troubleshooting and resolving the error.”

Troubleshooting the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows Error

To resolve the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error, you can follow several troubleshooting steps. These solutions can help you identify and fix the underlying issue causing the error. Here are the steps to troubleshoot and resolve the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error:

  1. Run Command Prompt as an Administrator: To gain the necessary permissions, right-click on the Command Prompt app and select “Run as administrator.” This ensures exclusive access to restricted files and folders.
  2. Ensure the File is Not Password Protected: Make sure that the file you’re trying to access or install is not password protected. If it is, remove the password protection and try again.
  3. Check the System for Viruses: Perform a thorough scan of your system using a reliable antivirus software. Viruses can sometimes interfere with the installation process and cause the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.
  4. Verify the File’s Path: Double-check the file’s path in the Command Prompt to ensure it is correctly entered. Typos or incorrect paths can lead to the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.
  5. Delete Special Characters from the Path: If the file’s path contains any special characters, remove them. Special characters can disrupt the installation process and trigger the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.
  6. Verify the Correctness of the Code: If you’re using any code or script to install or access the file, ensure its correctness. Incorrect or outdated code can result in the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.
  7. Remove Invalid Paths from the Environment Variable: Access the System Properties window, navigate to the Environment Variables settings, and check the paths listed under the Path variable. Delete any invalid paths that could be causing the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.
  8. Check for Incomplete Downloads: If you’re installing a file that was downloaded, make sure the download process completed successfully. Incomplete downloads can lead to file corruption and trigger the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.
  9. Check the System’s Registry: Examine the system’s registry for any issues that could be causing the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND error. Incorrect or corrupted registry entries can interfere with the file’s path and trigger the error.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively fix the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error and ensure a seamless installation or file access process.

Expert Tip:

If you encounter the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error while installing a driver, try downloading the latest driver for your hardware from the manufacturer’s official website. This ensures that you have the correct driver and eliminates any potential compatibility issues.

As you troubleshoot the ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND error, it’s important to remain patient and thorough. Each step in the troubleshooting process plays a vital role in identifying and resolving the underlying issue causing the error. Keep in mind that the exact steps required may vary based on your specific situation, but these general troubleshooting tips should provide a good starting point.

1Run Command Prompt as an Administrator
2Ensure the File is Not Password Protected
3Check the System for Viruses
4Verify the File’s Path
5Delete Special Characters from the Path
6Verify the Correctness of the Code
7Remove Invalid Paths from the Environment Variable
8Check for Incomplete Downloads
9Check the System’s Registry

Running Command Prompt as an Administrator

When troubleshooting the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error, one crucial step is to run Command Prompt as an administrator. By granting administrative permissions to Command Prompt, you can ensure that it has the necessary access to restricted files and folders. This can help fix the error and resolve the underlying issues causing it.

To run Command Prompt as an administrator, follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate the Command Prompt app on your Windows system.

  2. Right-click on the Command Prompt app.

  3. A context menu will appear. Select “Run as administrator.”

  4. A User Account Control prompt may appear. If so, click “Yes” to confirm.

Running Command Prompt as an administrator grants it elevated privileges, allowing it to carry out actions that regular user accounts cannot. This includes accessing restricted system files and folders, which could be crucial for resolving the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.

Remember to close other unnecessary applications or processes before running Command Prompt as an administrator. This step can help prevent any interference and ensure that Command Prompt has exclusive access to the necessary files and folders.

Running Command Prompt as an administrator is an essential part of troubleshooting the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error. By effectively granting the required permissions, you can enable Command Prompt to successfully address the error and provide a resolution to the underlying problem.

Checking the File’s Path

One common reason for the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error is entering an incorrect file path in the Command Prompt. Users may mistype or misspell the path, leading to the error. To fix this, it is important to carefully verify the file’s path and ensure that it is correctly entered in the Command Prompt. Double-checking the path for any mistakes or typos can help resolve the error.

Steps to Verify the File Path:

  1. Open the Command Prompt by searching for “Command Prompt” in the Start menu.
  2. Type the full file path, including the file name and extension, in the Command Prompt.
  3. Ensure that the path is correctly spelled and does not contain any extra spaces or special characters.
  4. If the file is located in a different directory, navigate to that directory in the Command Prompt using the “cd” command.
  5. Once the correct file path is entered, press Enter to execute the command.

By carefully verifying the file’s path and ensuring its accuracy in the Command Prompt, you can avoid the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error. Taking a few extra moments to double-check the path can save you valuable time and frustration.

Misspelling the file nameCheck the correct spelling and re-enter it in the Command Prompt.
Using incorrect file extensionsDouble-check the file’s extension and ensure it matches the expected format.
Entering an incomplete file pathInclude the full path to the file, starting from the root directory.
Using forward slashes instead of backslashesUse backslashes () to separate directories in the file path.
Forgetting to include drive letterSpecify the drive letter followed by a colon (e.g., C:).

Removing Invalid Paths from the Environment Variable

The environment variable plays a crucial role in determining how running processes function in your system. However, if invalid paths are present within the environment variable, it can disrupt the process and lead to the dreaded 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error. To resolve this issue, it is essential to identify and delete any invalid paths from the environment variable.

To start the process of removing invalid paths, you’ll need to access the Environment Variables settings in the System Properties window. Follow the steps below:

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type sysdm.cpl and press Enter to open the System Properties window.
  3. Click on the Advanced tab.
  4. Click on the Environment Variables button.

In the Environment Variables window, you will find a list of variables under the System variables section. Look for the Path variable and click on the Edit button.

A new window titled Edit Environment Variable will appear. This window will display the list of paths currently set in the variable. Carefully check each path and remove any invalid entries. To delete a path, simply select it and click on the Delete button.

Once you have removed all the invalid paths, click OK on each window to save the changes. It is important to note that removing the invalid paths will not affect the functionality of valid paths that are necessary for your system.

Congratulations! You have successfully removed the invalid paths from the environment variable, eliminating a potential cause of the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error.

Continue reading to explore additional troubleshooting steps or proceed to the next section to learn about running an SFC scan and updating Windows.

Running an SFC Scan and Updating Windows

If the previous troubleshooting steps did not fix the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error, running a System File Checker (SFC) scan can be helpful. The SFC scan checks for and repairs any corrupted system files that may be causing the error. Additionally, ensuring that the Windows system is up to date by installing the latest updates can help resolve the error. Performing these actions can ensure the overall stability and functionality of the Windows system.

To run an SFC scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. Right-click on the Start button and select “Command Prompt (Admin).” If prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, enter the necessary credentials.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, type the command “sfc /scannow” and press Enter. This will initiate the system file scan.
  3. Wait for the scan to complete. Depending on the size of your system files, this process may take some time. Do not close the Command Prompt window while the scan is running.
  4. If any corrupted or missing files are found, the System File Checker will attempt to repair them automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions if prompted.

Once the SFC scan is complete, it is recommended to update Windows to ensure that the system has the latest bug fixes and security patches.

To update Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows Settings by clicking on the Start menu and selecting the “Settings” gear icon.
  2. In the Settings window, click on “Update & Security.”
  3. Click on “Check for updates.” Windows will automatically check for available updates.
  4. If any updates are found, click on “Download and install” to start the update process.
  5. Wait for the updates to download and install. Restart your computer if prompted.

By running an SFC scan and keeping Windows up to date, you can effectively resolve the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error. These actions ensure that any corrupted system files are repaired, and your operating system is equipped with the latest enhancements and security patches.


In conclusion, the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error can be frustrating, but it can be resolved by following the appropriate troubleshooting steps. By running Command Prompt as an administrator, verifying the file’s path, removing invalid paths from the environment variable, and performing an SFC scan, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix the error.

It is critical to keep your Windows system updated to prevent any future occurrences of the error. Regularly installing the latest updates ensures the stability and functionality of your system. By following these solutions, you can ensure an error-free Windows experience.

Resolve the 0x00000003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Windows error today and get back to smooth and uninterrupted operation of your computer!

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.