0x00000046 ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error [FIXED]

Imagine this: It’s a busy day at work and you’re collaborating with your team on an important project. You need to access a file shared on the network, but just as you try to open it, an error message pops up on your screen. Your heart sinks as you see the dreaded 0x00000046 ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error.

This Windows error can be frustrating and disruptive, preventing you from sharing files and accessing the network. But fear not, because in this article, we will guide you through the steps to fix this error and resume smooth operations on your Windows system.

Causes of the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

The ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error can occur due to various reasons, causing disruption in file sharing and network connectivity. Understanding the causes behind this error can help in identifying and resolving the issue effectively.

Remote Server Paused or Being Started

One of the primary causes of the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error is a remote server that has been intentionally paused or is in the process of being started. This can prevent proper file sharing and lead to network connectivity problems.

Network Connectivity Issues

Network connectivity problems can also trigger the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. Issues such as unstable internet connection, router malfunctions, or network cables not properly connected can disrupt the sharing of files and data.

Misconfigurations in File Sharing Settings

Incorrect configurations in file sharing settings can contribute to the occurrence of the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. This can include improper permissions set on shared folders or misconfigured network sharing protocols.

Conflicts with Other Processes or Applications

Conflicts with other processes or applications running on the system can also result in the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. This can happen when certain programs interfere with the file sharing functionality, causing the error to occur.

Note: Properly identifying the cause behind the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error is crucial in finding an appropriate solution. Isolating the root cause can help in applying targeted fixes and restoring normal file sharing and network operations efficiently.

Remote Server Paused or Being StartedA remote server intentionally paused or in the process of being started.
Network Connectivity IssuesProblems with network connectivity, such as unstable internet connection or misconfigured network devices.
Misconfigurations in File Sharing SettingsIncorrect settings in file sharing configurations, including permissions or network sharing protocols.
Conflicts with Other Processes or ApplicationsInterference from other running processes or applications leading to issues in file sharing functionality.

Common Symptoms of the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

When encountering the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error, you may experience several common symptoms:

  1. Inability to access shared files or folders on the network
  2. Error messages indicating that the remote server is unavailable
  3. Error messages indicating that the file or folder cannot be accessed due to it being paused

These symptoms can be frustrating and hinder your ability to perform file sharing and access important resources on your network.

To help you better understand the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error and its impact, refer to the table below for a detailed breakdown of the symptoms:

Inability to access shared files or foldersUsers are unable to open or view files and folders that have been shared on the network.
Remote server unavailableUsers receive error messages indicating that the remote server is currently not accessible.
File or folder access deniedUsers encounter error messages preventing them from accessing specific files or folders due to the pause status.

Understanding these symptoms is crucial in resolving the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error efficiently. In the next section, we will explore various methods to fix this error and regain your file sharing capabilities.

How to Fix the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

If you encounter the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue. Follow these guidelines to fix the error and resume normal operations on your Windows system.

Step 1: Check Remote Server Status

Ensure that the remote server is not intentionally paused and that it is correctly started. This can be done by verifying the server’s status through the appropriate administrative tools or contacting the server administrator if needed.

Step 2: Verify Network Connectivity

Check your network connectivity to ensure that all devices are properly connected. This can be done by testing the connection with other devices or running network diagnostic tools to identify any potential issues.

Step 3: Review File Sharing Settings

Review the file sharing settings on your Windows system to ensure they are configured correctly. Incorrect settings can prevent proper file sharing and lead to the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED error. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper file sharing functionality.

Step 4: Restart System and Network Devices

In some cases, simply restarting your system or network devices can help resolve the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. This can help clear any temporary glitches or conflicts that may be causing the error. After restarting, check if the error persists.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can fix the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error and regain file sharing and network connectivity functionality on your Windows system.

Additional Tips to Resolve the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

In addition to the troubleshooting steps mentioned above, there are a few additional tips you can try to resolve the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error:

  1. Update your network drivers: Outdated or incompatible network drivers can contribute to the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. By updating your network drivers to the latest versions, you can ensure optimal compatibility and performance.
  2. Temporarily disable firewall or antivirus software: Sometimes, firewall or antivirus software can interfere with network connectivity and trigger the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. Temporarily disabling these security measures can help identify if they are the cause of the issue.
  3. Check for available Windows updates: Microsoft regularly releases updates to address various system issues, including errors like the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED. By checking for and installing any available Windows updates, you can resolve underlying problems and improve your system’s stability.
  4. Scan your system for malware or viruses: Malware or viruses can disrupt network functionality and lead to errors like ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED. Performing a comprehensive scan of your system using reliable antivirus software can help detect and remove any malicious programs that may be causing the error.

By following these additional tips, you can increase your chances of resolving the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error and restoring normal file sharing and network connectivity.

Update your network drivers
Temporarily disable firewall or antivirus software
Check for available Windows updates
Scan your system for malware or viruses

Contacting Support for the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and tried the tips mentioned earlier but are still experiencing the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error, it’s time to seek assistance from technical support. Contacting support can provide you with specialized guidance and tailored solutions based on your specific system and network configuration.

When reaching out to support, make sure to provide them with detailed information about the error you’re encountering. Describe the symptoms you’re experiencing and any steps you have already taken to try and resolve the issue. This will help support personnel understand your situation better and provide more effective assistance.

Support agents are trained to handle a wide range of technical issues, including the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. They have the expertise to diagnose the root cause of the error and guide you through the necessary troubleshooting steps. In some cases, they may even be able to remotely access your system to fix the issue directly.

Remember, support agents are there to help you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on any steps or instructions they provide. They will patiently guide you through the process and ensure that you understand the solutions being offered.

Keep in mind that contacting support is often the best course of action when facing complex technical issues like the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. Their experience and knowledge can save you valuable time and effort in finding a resolution.

By contacting support, you can tap into their expertise and get personalized assistance with your ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. They will work with you to resolve the issue and get your system back up and running smoothly.

Preventing Future Occurrences of the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error

To avoid encountering the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error in the future, it’s essential to take proactive measures to ensure your system and network configurations are properly set up. By following these recommendations, you can minimize the risk of experiencing this error and maintain smooth file sharing and network connectivity.

Regularly Update Network Drivers

Keeping your network drivers up to date is crucial for optimal performance and compatibility. Outdated drivers can result in compatibility issues that may trigger the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. Regularly check for updates from your device manufacturer or network card vendor and install them promptly.

Maintain a Secure Network Environment

Protecting your network from potential threats is essential for avoiding errors such as ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED. Ensure that your network is secure by using reliable firewalls and robust security software. Regularly update your firewall settings and keep your security software up to date to prevent unauthorized access or intrusions.

Regularly Scan for Malware and Viruses

Malware and viruses can disrupt network connectivity and lead to various errors, including ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED. Make sure to regularly scan your system for malware and viruses using reputable antivirus software. Promptly remove any detected threats to maintain a clean and secure system environment.

Follow Best Practices for File Sharing and Network Management

Adhering to best practices for file sharing and network management can help prevent conflicts or errors that could lead to the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error. Some recommendations include:

  • Ensure proper permissions and access controls are in place for shared files and folders.
  • Regularly review and update file sharing settings to ensure they align with your network requirements.
  • Implement proper file naming conventions to avoid file path issues.
  • Avoid overcrowding your network with unnecessary connections or devices.
  • Monitor network traffic and address any potential bottlenecks or performance issues promptly.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error and maintain a reliable and efficient file sharing and network environment.


The 0x00000046 ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error can be frustrating when it disrupts file sharing and network connectivity on your Windows system. However, by following the troubleshooting steps, tips, and preventative measures provided in this article, you can effectively fix this error and reduce its occurrence in the future.

To successfully resolve the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error, ensure that your remote server is not intentionally paused and that it is correctly started. Check your network connectivity and confirm that all devices are properly connected. Review and configure your file sharing settings accordingly. Additionally, restarting your system or network devices may help resolve this error.

For additional assistance in resolving the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error, consider reaching out to technical support. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific system and network configurations. Provide them with detailed information about the error and the troubleshooting steps you have already taken.

To prevent this error from occurring again in the future, maintain up-to-date network drivers, maintain a secure network environment by periodically scanning for malware or viruses, and follow best practices for file sharing and network management. By doing so, you can avoid potential conflicts or errors that may result in the ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED Windows Error.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.