Fix: Error Code (0x80070570) Windows 10 Update

The error code 0x80070570 is a common issue that occurs during the installation or update process of the Windows 10 operating system. It can be caused by a faulty installation, corrupted hardware, disk errors, or Windows update errors. Restarting your PC and using the Windows Update troubleshooter can help resolve the issue. Checking for disk errors and scanning your drive for errors can also fix the error. In some cases, reinstalling Windows or running a malware scan may be necessary to solve the problem.

Key Takeaways:

  • The error code 0x80070570 can occur during the installation or update process of Windows 10.
  • Faulty installation, corrupted hardware, disk errors, or Windows update errors can cause the error code.
  • Restarting your PC and using the Windows Update troubleshooter can help resolve the issue.
  • Checking for disk errors and scanning your drive for errors can fix the error code 0x80070570 .
  • In some cases, reinstalling Windows or running a malware scan may be necessary to solve the problem.

For more details on how to fix the error code 0x80070570 on Windows 10, continue reading our comprehensive guide.

Common Causes of Error Code 0x80070570 on Windows

The error code 0x80070570 on Windows 10 can be caused by various factors. Some common causes include:

  1. Faulty installation
  2. Corrupted hardware
  3. Disk errors
  4. Windows update errors

These issues can lead to the error message during the installation or update process of the operating system.

Faulty InstallationA failed or incomplete installation of Windows 10 can result in the error code 0x80070570. This can occur if the installation files are corrupted or if there are missing files.
Corrupted HardwareHardware components such as RAM, hard drives, or other system components may become corrupted, causing the error code 0x80070570. Faulty hardware can lead to read or write errors during the installation process.
Disk ErrorsDisk errors, such as bad sectors or file system corruption, can prevent Windows from properly installing or updating. These errors can be caused by physical damage to the disk or software-related issues.
Windows Update ErrorsIssues with Windows updates, such as failed or interrupted updates, can trigger the error code 0x80070570. This can occur if there are problems with Windows update components or if the update process is interrupted.

Reboot Your PC

If you’re facing the error code 0x80070570 on your Windows PC, a simple solution to fix it is to reboot your computer. Restarting your PC can help free up memory and resolve many software-related issues, including this error. Rebooting is often recommended as the first step in troubleshooting any Windows problem. Give it a try and see if it resolves the error code 0x80070570.

When you reboot your PC, it initiates a fresh start and refreshes the system. This process can clear any temporary glitches or conflicts that may be causing the error code 0x80070570. Additionally, it allows your operating system to reload all the necessary files and processes, potentially resolving any issues that were hindering a smooth system operation.

Rebooting your PC is a straightforward process. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Save any unsaved work or close any open applications.
  2. Click on the “Start” menu in the bottom left corner of your screen.
  3. Select the “Power” button.
  4. Choose “Restart” from the options that appear.
Advantages of Rebooting Your PCDisadvantages of Rebooting Your PC
1. Resolves software-related issues: Rebooting can help in fixing various software-related problems, such as the error code 0x80070570.1. Temporary interruption: Rebooting your PC will temporarily interrupt any ongoing tasks or processes, so make sure to save your work.
2. Clears memory: Rebooting clears out temporary files and frees up memory, which can result in improved system performance.2. Time-consuming: Depending on the speed of your PC, the reboot process may take a few minutes, during which you won’t be able to use your computer.
3. Refreshes system processes: Rebooting allows the operating system to reload all necessary files and processes, potentially fixing issues caused by conflicts or corrupted files.3. Minimal impact on hardware issues: Rebooting can only fix software-related problems and may not address hardware issues that could also be causing the error code 0x80070570.

By following these simple steps and rebooting your PC, you can potentially resolve the error code 0x80070570 and ensure a smooth functioning of your Windows system.

Use the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If you’re experiencing the error code 0x80070570 during a Windows Update, don’t worry. There’s a built-in tool called the Windows Update troubleshooter that can help you resolve this issue.

To access the troubleshooter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Troubleshooters.
  3. Click on Windows Update.
  4. Finally, click on Run to launch the troubleshooter.

The Windows Update troubleshooter will scan for any issues related to Windows updates and provide suggestions to fix them. It’s a convenient and effective tool to troubleshoot and fix the error code 0x80070570 on your Windows PC.

Windows Update troubleshooter

Check for Disk Errors

Disk errors can be a common cause of the error code 0x80070570 on Windows PCs. These errors occur due to a damaged drive or disk, resulting in the error message during the installation or update process of the operating system. To fix this issue and resolve the error code 0x80070570, you can use the CHKDSK command, a built-in tool in Windows that scans and repairs disk errors.

To run a thorough CHKDSK scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt by pressing Windows key + X and selecting “Command Prompt (Admin)” or “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, type chkdsk C: /f and press Enter. Replace “C” with the drive letter of the disk you want to scan.
  3. Wait for the scan to complete. The process may take some time depending on the size and condition of your disk.
  4. If any errors are found, CHKDSK will attempt to fix them automatically.
  5. Once the scan is finished and any errors are repaired, restart your computer and check if the error code 0x80070570 is resolved.


Running the CHKDSK command may require administrative privileges. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to execute the command.

By checking for disk errors and using the CHKDSK command, you can identify and fix any drive errors that may be causing the error code 0x80070570 on your Windows PC. Taking this step can help ensure a smooth installation or update process for your operating system.

disk errors

Scan Your Drive for Errors

Another solution to fix the error code 0x80070570 is to scan your drive for errors. Corruption or damage to your drive can cause this error and other Windows issues. By scanning your drive for errors and repairing any corruption found, you can resolve the error code 0x80070570 on your Windows PC.

scan drive for errors

Scanning your drive can help you identify any potential issues that may be causing the error code 0x80070570. Here’s how you can proceed:

  1. Open File Explorer by pressing the Windows key + E.
  2. Right-click on the drive you want to scan and select “Properties” from the context menu.
  3. In the Properties window, go to the “Tools” tab and click on the “Check” button under the “Error checking” section.
  4. Wait for the scan to complete. If any errors are found, Windows will attempt to fix them.
  5. Once the scan is finished, restart your PC and check if the error code 0x80070570 has been resolved.

Scanning your drive for errors is a crucial step in troubleshooting Windows issues. It helps ensure the integrity of your data and can fix various system errors, including the error code 0x80070570. By following the steps above, you can effectively scan your drive and fix any underlying issues that may be causing the error on your Windows PC.

Reinstall Windows

If you encounter the error code 0x80070570 during the installation of your operating system, it may be best to reconsider reinstalling Windows. This error can occur due to a corrupted installation file or missing critical files during the installation process. A clean reinstallation of Windows from a reliable source can fix the error code 0x80070570 and ensure a smooth installation.

If you have exhausted other troubleshooting methods without success, reinstalling Windows can provide a fresh start and resolve any underlying issues that may have caused the error code 0x80070570.

Before proceeding with the reinstallation, ensure that you have a valid Windows installation media, such as a USB drive or DVD. Here are the steps to reinstall Windows:

  1. Back up your important files and data to an external storage device.
  2. Insert the Windows installation media into your PC.
  3. Restart your computer and boot from the installation media. You may need to change the boot order in your BIOS settings.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows. Choose the appropriate options, such as language preferences, product key, and disk partitioning.
  5. Once the installation is complete, make sure to install the necessary drivers and updates for your system.
  6. Restore your backed-up files and data to their respective locations.

Reinstalling Windows can take some time and may result in the loss of installed programs and settings. Therefore, it’s essential to back up your important files and data before proceeding. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary product key and license information for your Windows operating system.

Remember to consult the official documentation or support resources provided by Microsoft for detailed guidance on the reinstallation process specific to your version of Windows.


A clean reinstallation of Windows should only be considered as a last resort when all other troubleshooting methods have failed to fix the error code 0x80070570. It is a comprehensive solution that removes all existing data and programs on your PC, so proceed with caution and ensure you have adequate backups.

error code 0x80070570


Run a Malware Scan

Malware can sometimes be the cause of errors on Windows PCs, including the error code 0x80070570. To fix this issue and ensure the security and performance of your Windows PC, it’s crucial to run a malware scan with reliable antivirus software.

One effective antivirus software that can help detect and remove any malicious programs causing the error is the widely-used Microsoft Defender. By scanning your system thoroughly, Microsoft Defender can identify and eliminate any malware present, providing a solution to the error code 0x80070570.

Regular Malware Scans for Optimal PC Performance

Performing regular malware scans on your Windows PC is essential for maintaining its overall security and performance. Malicious programs can not only cause errors like the 0x80070570 error code but also compromise your personal data and sensitive information.

By establishing a routine malware scanning schedule, you can mitigate potential risks and ensure that your Windows PC remains free from harmful malware. The regular scanning and removal of any malicious programs will help keep your system running smoothly and prevent future errors from occurring.

Do a System Restore

If you encounter the error code 0x80070570 suddenly and without any apparent cause, performing a system restore can be a viable solution. System Restore allows you to revert your Windows PC back to a previous state when everything was working fine. If you have a restore point created before the error occurred, you can use it to undo any recent changes and potentially fix the error code 0x80070570.

To perform a system restore:

  1. Press the Windows key and type “System Restore” in the search bar.
  2. Select “Create a restore point” from the search results.
  3. In the System Properties window, click on the “System Restore” button.
  4. Click “Next” and choose a restore point that predates the error code 0x80070570.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the system restore process.

It is important to note that performing a system restore will revert your PC’s settings and installed programs back to the selected restore point. Make sure to back up any important files and documents before proceeding with the system restore.

Comparison of System Restore and Other Solutions

System Restore– Allows you to undo recent changes
– Can potentially fix the error code 0x80070570
– Reverts PC settings and installed programs
– May not always have a restore point available
Reboot Your PC– Frees up memory
– Resolves software-related issues
– Does not address underlying causes of the error code
– May not fix the error in all cases
Use the Windows Update Troubleshooter– Specifically designed to fix Windows update errors
– Provides step-by-step guidance
– May not resolve the error in complex cases
– Relies on Windows diagnostic tools
Check for Disk Errors– Identifies and fixes disk errors
– Can improve overall system performance
– Requires administrative access
– May take a long time to complete
Scan Your Drive for Errors– Detects and repairs drive corruption
– Enhances data integrity
– Only addresses drive-related issues
– Limited effectiveness if error is not disk-related
Reinstall Windows– Ensures a clean installation
– Fixes issues related to system files
– Erases all data and applications
– Time-consuming process
Run a Malware Scan– Detects and removes malware
– Enhances system security
– Limited effectiveness if error is not malware-related
– Requires reliable antivirus software


The error code 0x80070570 on Windows 10 can be frustrating, but there are various solutions available to fix it. By rebooting your PC, using the Windows Update troubleshooter, checking for disk errors, scanning your drive for errors, reinstalling Windows, running a malware scan, or performing a system restore, you can resolve the error code 0x80070570 and get your Windows PC back to normal.

If you encounter the error code 0x80070570 and none of the solutions mentioned above work, it may be necessary to seek professional help at a local tech store or repair shop. They can provide expert advice and assistance in resolving the issue.

Remember to always keep your Windows 10 operating system up to date and regularly perform maintenance tasks like disk checks and malware scans to prevent such errors in the future. Troubleshooting and resolving errors promptly can help ensure the smooth functioning of your Windows PC.


What is the error code 0x80070570 on Windows 10?

The error code 0x80070570 is a common issue that occurs during the installation or update process of the Windows 10 operating system. It can be caused by a faulty installation, corrupted hardware, disk errors, or Windows update errors.

What are the common causes of the error code 0x80070570 on Windows?

The error code 0x80070570 on Windows can be caused by a faulty installation, corrupted hardware, disk errors, and Windows update errors.

How can I fix the error code 0x80070570 on my Windows PC?

There are several solutions to fix the error code 0x80070570 on a Windows PC. You can start by rebooting your PC, using the Windows Update troubleshooter, checking for disk errors, scanning your drive for errors, reinstalling Windows, running a malware scan, or performing a system restore.

How can rebooting my PC fix the error code 0x80070570?

Rebooting your Windows PC can free up memory and resolve many software-related issues, including the error code 0x80070570.

How can I use the Windows Update troubleshooter to fix the error code 0x80070570?

To use the Windows Update troubleshooter, go to Settings > Troubleshooters > Windows Update, and click on “Run” to launch the troubleshooter. It will scan for any issues and provide suggestions to fix them.

How can I check for disk errors to fix the error code 0x80070570?

You can use the CHKDSK command, a built-in tool in Windows, to check for disk errors. Running a thorough CHKDSK scan can help identify and fix any drive errors that may be causing the error code 0x80070570.

How can I scan my drive for errors to fix the error code 0x80070570?

By scanning your drive for errors and repairing any corruption found, you can resolve the error code 0x80070570 on your Windows PC.

Should I reinstall Windows to fix the error code 0x80070570?

If you encounter the error code 0x80070570 during the installation of your operating system, it may be best to reinstall Windows. This error can occur due to a corrupted installation file or missing critical files during the installation process.

How can I run a malware scan to fix the error code 0x80070570?

Running a malware scan with a reliable antivirus software, such as Microsoft Defender, can help detect and remove any malicious programs that may be causing the error code 0x80070570.

Can a system restore fix the error code 0x80070570?

If you encounter the error code 0x80070570 suddenly and without any apparent cause, performing a system restore can be a viable solution. System Restore allows you to revert your Windows PC back to a previous state when everything was working fine.

What should I do if none of the solutions work to fix the error code 0x80070570?

If none of the solutions mentioned above work, it may be necessary to seek professional help at a local tech store or repair shop.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.