Easy Method – How to Add a Number by a Percentage in Excel – [2024]

Have you ever wondered how to effortlessly add a number by a percentage in Excel? Whether you’re a business owner or a student, mastering the skill of calculating percentages in Excel is essential.

But is there a simple method that can make the process easier?

Look no further! In this article, we will unveil an easy method that will empower you to efficiently calculate percentages and perform accurate addition in Excel.

So, if you want to sharpen your Excel skills and gain confidence in tackling tasks like profit and loss analysis, interest rate calculation, statistics, discounts, and tax calculations, keep reading!

Let’s dive into the world of Excel percentage calculation and discover the simplest way to add a number by a percentage.

What is the Percentage Formula in Excel?

When it comes to calculating percentages in Excel, understanding the formula is key. The formula to calculate a percentage in Excel is:

(part/total) * 100

In this formula, “part” refers to the value you want to calculate the percentage of, and “total” represents the whole value or the base number.

For example, if you want to calculate 20% of 100, you would enter the formula as (20/100) * 100 in Excel.

By default, Excel automatically calculates percentages when you apply the correct formatting to the cell where you want the results to appear. This means that you don’t have to manually multiply the resulting fraction by 100.

Let’s take a look at an example:


In the example table above, the formula is applied to calculate the percentage based on the quantity of each item. The resulting percentages are automatically calculated by Excel, making it easy to perform percentage calculations in your spreadsheets.

Other Methods for Calculating Percentages in Excel

Excel offers various methods for calculating percentages, providing you with flexibility and efficiency in your calculations. Let’s explore some of these methods:

Method 1: Calculating Percentages from Values at the End of a Table

If you have a table where the total value is located at the end of a column, you can easily calculate the percentage using Excel. To do this, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Part / Total) * 100

Product A100=(B2/$B$5)*100
Product B150=(B3/$B$5)*100
Product C200=(B4/$B$5)*100

Method 2: Calculating Percentages using the SUMIF Function

Another method to calculate percentages in Excel involves using the SUMIF function. This method is useful when you have values spread across multiple rows and you need to calculate the overall percentage. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a column to calculate the percentage increase or decrease.
  2. Use the SUMIF function to sum the values based on certain criteria, such as dates or categories.
  3. Divide the sum by the total and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Method 3: Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease

In Excel, you can also calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers. This is particularly useful when analyzing growth or changes over a period of time. To calculate the percentage increase or decrease, use the following formula:

Percentage = ((New Value – Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

Data20202021Percentage Change

By using these methods, you can easily perform complex percentage calculations in Excel, allowing you to make informed decisions and analyze data effectively.


In conclusion, mastering the art of Excel percentage calculation is a crucial skill that can greatly enhance your spreadsheet capabilities. Whether you need to analyze profit and loss, calculate interest rates, work with statistics, apply discounts, or determine tax amounts, understanding how to add a percentage to a number in Excel is essential.

By utilizing the percentage formula, which is (part/total)*100, you can easily calculate percentages in Excel. The software automatically handles the multiplication by 100 when you apply the correct formatting to the cell containing the result, saving you time and effort.

In addition to the percentage formula, Excel offers other methods for performing percentage calculations. You can calculate percentages by working with values at the end of a table or by using the SUMIF function for calculations across multiple rows. These alternative approaches provide flexibility and enable you to tackle a wide range of percentage-related tasks.

Remember to apply proper formatting to cells to ensure accurate and visually appealing percentage displays. With these techniques at your disposal, you can simplify your calculations and confidently handle various percentage-related scenarios in Excel.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.