5+ Easy Ways to Change Admin Name on Windows 11


Changing the admin name on Windows 11 is a simple process that can be done in a few different ways. Whether you prefer using the Control Panel, Command Prompt, or the Settings app, there are multiple options available to modify the admin name on your Windows 11 system. In this article, I will guide you through 5+ easy methods to change the admin name on Windows 11, providing step-by-step instructions for each method.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn 5+ easy methods to change the admin name on Windows 11
  • Step-by-step instructions for each method
  • Choose from options like Control Panel, Command Prompt, and Settings app
  • Ensure a personalized and tailored computing experience
  • Implement best practices for admin account management on Windows 11

Method 1: Change Admin Name Through the Control Panel

To change the admin name on your Windows 11 system, one convenient method is to use the Control Panel. By accessing the Control Panel’s System Properties window, you can easily modify the computer name, including the admin account name. This simple process allows you to personalize your system and make it easier to identify.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the admin name using the Control Panel:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type control and press Enter to open the Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel, select System and Security.
  4. Choose the System option.
  5. In the System Properties window, click on the Change settings button.
  6. In the Computer Name/Domain Changes window, click on the Change button.
  7. Enter the new admin name in the Computer name field.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.
  9. Restart your system for the new admin name to take effect.

By following these steps, you can successfully change the admin name through the Control Panel, allowing for a more personalized Windows 11 experience.

Easy and straightforward methodRequires system restart for changes to take effect
No need for advanced technical knowledgeMay not provide advanced customization options

Method 2: Change Admin Name Using Command Prompt

Another method to change the admin name on Windows 11 is by using Command Prompt. This method allows for more advanced customization options and is suitable for users familiar with the command line interface. By executing a series of commands in Command Prompt, you can modify the admin name easily.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the admin name using Command Prompt:

  1. Open Command Prompt by pressing Windows key + X and selecting Command Prompt from the menu.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
    net user <current admin name> <new admin name>
  3. Replace <current admin name> with the current admin name and <new admin name> with the desired new admin name.
  4. Press Enter to execute the command.
  5. You will be prompted to enter a new password for the admin account. If you wish to keep the same password, press Enter.
  6. Wait for the command to execute and confirm that the admin name has been changed.

Please note that changing the admin name using Command Prompt requires administrative privileges. Ensure that you are logged in as an administrator or have the necessary permissions to modify user accounts.

If you encounter any issues or errors during the process, double-check the command syntax and ensure the correct admin name and desired new admin name are entered. Additionally, if you have any important data or applications open, it is advisable to save your work and close them before proceeding with the admin name change.

Changing the admin name through Command Prompt provides a quick and efficient way to personalize your Windows 11 system. By following these steps, you can easily modify the admin name to suit your preferences and organizational needs.

Method 3: Change Admin Name in Settings App

The Settings app in Windows 11 provides a user-friendly interface to modify various system settings, including the admin name. With just a few clicks, you can change the admin name without needing to access the Control Panel or Command Prompt. This method is ideal for users who prefer a graphical interface.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the admin name in the Settings app:

  1. Click on the Start button in the taskbar and select the “Settings” gear icon.
  2. In the Settings app, click on the “Accounts” category.
  3. On the left-hand side, select “Your info.”
  4. Under “Your account,” click on the “Manage my Microsoft account” link.
  5. You will be redirected to the Microsoft account website. Sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.
  6. In the “Account settings” page, click on the “Edit name” link.
  7. Enter your desired new admin name in the provided fields.
  8. Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

That’s it! Your admin name in Windows 11 will be updated to the new name you’ve chosen. It’s important to note that changing the admin name through the Settings app will also reflect the change in other Microsoft services and applications associated with your Microsoft account.

You can now enjoy a personalized admin account with your preferred name, all without having to access more advanced tools or interfaces.

Easy and user-friendly interface.Requires a Microsoft account.
No need to access Control Panel or Command Prompt.Changes apply to all Microsoft services and applications associated with the account.
Quick updates for a personalized admin name.

Change Admin Name in Settings App

Now that you know how to change the admin name in the Settings app, you can easily personalize your Windows 11 experience with a name that suits you. If you prefer a more graphical interface, this method is the perfect solution. Follow the steps and enjoy your new admin name!

Method 4: Change Admin Name Through Local Users and Groups

Local Users and Groups is a powerful tool in Windows 11 that allows for advanced management of user accounts. By accessing this tool, you can easily change the admin name by modifying the properties of the admin account. This method provides more granular control over user account settings and is suitable for advanced users.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the admin name through Local Users and Groups:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type lusrmgr.msc and click OK to open the Local Users and Groups window.
  3. In the left-hand pane, click on Users to display the list of user accounts.
  4. Locate and double-click on the admin account that you want to change the name for.
  5. In the General tab, you will see the current name of the admin account. Replace it with the desired new name.
  6. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

Once you have completed these steps, the admin name will be successfully changed through Local Users and Groups on your Windows 11 system.

Provides advanced user account management optionsRequires advanced knowledge of Windows 11
Offers granular control over user account settingsNot recommended for beginners
Allows for easy modification of admin account propertiesMay affect system stability if not done correctly

Change Admin Name Through Local Users and Groups

Note: It is crucial to exercise caution when modifying user account properties, especially for admin accounts. Making incorrect changes can result in system instability or unintended consequences. Proceed with care and ensure you have proper backups and knowledge before making any modifications.

Method 5: Change Admin Name with PowerShell

PowerShell is a powerful command-line scripting language that can automate various tasks in Windows 11. With PowerShell, you can easily change the admin name using a simple script. This method is particularly useful for system administrators or users comfortable with PowerShell. Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the admin name with PowerShell:

  1. Open PowerShell: Press the Windows key, type “PowerShell,” and select “Windows PowerShell” from the search results.
  2. Run as Administrator: Right-click on “Windows PowerShell” and choose “Run as administrator” to ensure you have the necessary privileges.
  3. Execute Script: Copy and paste the following script into the PowerShell window:

$adminName = Read-Host “Enter the new admin name”
Set-LocalUser -Name “Administrator” -NewName $adminName

  1. Customize Admin Name: Replace “Enter the new admin name” with your desired admin name. For example, if you want to change the admin name to “JohnDoe,” enter:

$adminName = “JohnDoe”
Set-LocalUser -Name “Administrator” -NewName $adminName

  1. Execute Script: Press Enter to run the script and change the admin name.
  2. Confirm Name Change: Verify the admin name change by restarting your computer and logging in with the new admin name.

Changing the admin name with PowerShell provides a flexible and efficient way to modify user account details on Windows 11. Take advantage of PowerShell’s capabilities to streamline your administrative tasks and personalize your system.

change admin name with powershell

Additional Tips for Changing Admin Name on Windows 11

While the methods mentioned earlier provide easy ways to change the admin name on Windows 11, it’s essential to follow some additional tips and best practices. By considering these suggestions, you can ensure a smooth transition and avoid common mistakes that may arise when modifying the admin name. Let’s dive into these tips to make the process of changing the admin name on Windows 11 even easier.

Tips for Changing Admin Name on Windows 11:

  • Backup your data: Before making any changes to your admin name, it’s wise to back up your important data. This precautionary step ensures that you have a copy of your files in case any unexpected issues occur during the process.
  • Choose a unique admin name: When selecting a new admin name, make sure it’s unique and easy to remember. Avoid using generic or common names that may lead to confusion.
  • Consider the character limit: Windows 11 imposes a character limit for the admin name. Ensure that your new admin name adheres to these limitations to prevent any truncation or compatibility issues.
  • Review permissions and settings: After changing the admin name, it’s essential to review and update permissions and settings associated with the admin account. This ensures that the modified admin name reflects across all system aspects and avoids any access or authorization issues.
  • Restart your system: Once you’ve successfully changed the admin name, it’s recommended to restart your system. This refreshes the settings and allows the new admin name to take effect fully.

Remember, it’s crucial to proceed with caution when changing the admin name on Windows 11. Always double-check your changes and be mindful of any potential impacts on system functionality or user accounts.

By following these additional tips, you can confidently modify the admin name on your Windows 11 system, ensuring a seamless transition and avoiding common mistakes that may arise. Keep these best practices in mind to personalize your system efficiently and enhance your overall computing experience.

Common Mistakes When Changing Admin Name on Windows 11

Using a generic nameChoosing a common or generic admin name may lead to confusion and difficulties in identification.
Not backing up dataFailing to back up your important data before making changes to the admin name may result in potential data loss.
Ignoring character limitNot adhering to the character limit for the new admin name may cause truncation or compatibility issues.
Overlooking permissions and settingsForgetting to review and update permissions and settings associated with the admin account can lead to access or authorization issues.
Skipping system restartFailing to restart the system after changing the admin name may prevent the new name from taking effect fully.

Tips for Changing Admin Name on Windows 11

Why Change the Admin Name on Windows 11?

There are several compelling reasons why you should consider changing the admin name on your Windows 11 system. By modifying the admin name, you can enjoy a more personalized and organized computing experience, while also enhancing the security of your system. Let’s explore the benefits of modifying the admin name on Windows 11:

Easier Identification and Personalization

Changing the admin name allows you to personalize your Windows 11 system and make it uniquely yours. You can replace the default admin name with a name that reflects your identity or a name that is easier for you to remember. This personalization feature helps you quickly identify your user account and navigate your system with ease.

Improved Security

Modifying the admin name on Windows 11 can contribute to enhanced security. By changing the admin name, you can obscure your username and make it more difficult for potential attackers to guess your login credentials. This extra layer of security can help protect your system from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

Preventing Targeted Attacks

Changing the admin name can serve as a deterrent against targeted attacks. Cybercriminals often target user accounts with default or common admin names, as they are more likely to be vulnerable. By customizing your admin name, you make it less likely for attackers to single out your account, reducing the risk of falling victim to targeted attacks.

Enhancing Privacy

Modifying the admin name on Windows 11 can also help protect your privacy. By using a unique and personalized admin name, you can prevent others from easily identifying your user account, thus safeguarding your personal information and ensuring a higher level of privacy.

Changing the admin name on Windows 11 offers several benefits, ranging from personalization and improved security to enhanced privacy and protection against targeted attacks. Take advantage of this feature to make your user experience more enjoyable and secure.

Easier Identification and Personalizationidentification, personalization
Improved Securitysecurity
Preventing Targeted Attackstargeted attacks
Enhancing Privacyprivacy

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While changing the admin name on Windows 11 is generally a straightforward process, there are a few challenges and considerations to keep in mind. Before proceeding with the modification, it is important to assess these factors to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any potential issues.

Compatibility Issues

One challenge you may encounter when changing the admin name is compatibility issues with certain applications or services. Some software programs or system functions may be linked to the admin name, and modifying it could cause disruptions or errors. It’s essential to evaluate the compatibility of your installed software and services with the new admin name to prevent any unexpected conflicts.

Conflicts with User Accounts

Another consideration is the potential for conflicts with other user accounts on your Windows 11 system. If there are multiple user accounts with administrative privileges, changing the admin name could create confusion or overlap. It is advisable to review the existing user accounts and their respective access levels to ensure a seamless transition without any user account conflicts.

Impact on File and Folder Permissions

Modifying the admin name can also have implications for file and folder permissions. The new admin name may require reassigning permissions to certain files or folders, especially if they were originally set specifically for the previous admin name. It is crucial to evaluate the impact on file and folder permissions and update them accordingly to maintain proper access control.

Compatibility IssuesEvaluate software and services for compatibility with new admin name.
Conflicts with User AccountsReview existing user accounts to avoid conflicts with new admin name.
Impact on File and Folder PermissionsUpdate permissions for files and folders affected by the admin name change.

By being aware of these potential challenges and considerations, you can proactively address any issues before modifying the admin name on Windows 11. Taking these precautions will help ensure a seamless transition and minimize any disruptions to your system.

Best Practices for Admin Account Management

While changing the admin name on Windows 11 is important, it’s equally crucial to follow best practices for admin account management. By implementing these practices, you can ensure the security and efficiency of your admin account. Below are some tips to help you effectively manage your admin account on Windows 11:

Create Strong and Unique Passwords

One of the first steps in admin account management is to create strong and unique passwords. A strong password should be at least eight characters long and include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using common words or personal information that can be easily guessed. Regularly update your passwords to maintain the security of your admin account.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

To add an extra layer of security to your admin account, enable two-factor authentication. This feature requires you to provide both a password and a secondary form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device, to access your account. Two-factor authentication helps protect your admin account from unauthorized access, even if your password is compromised.

Regularly Review and Update User Account Settings

It’s important to regularly review and update your admin account settings to ensure they align with your security preferences. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity or unauthorized changes. Regularly review your account’s permissions and access rights to restrict unnecessary privileges and maintain the integrity of your admin account.

Set Up Account Recovery Options

In case you ever lose access to your admin account, it’s essential to set up account recovery options. This includes providing an alternate email address or a phone number that can be used to verify your identity and recover your account. Keep this information up to date and ensure it remains accessible in case it’s needed.

Keep Your System Updated

Regularly updating your Windows 11 system is important for overall security and stability. Install the latest updates and security patches to protect your admin account from known vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure your system is always up to date.

Regularly Monitor Account Activity

Monitor your admin account’s activity and keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or suspicious login attempts. If you notice any unauthorized activity, take immediate action to secure your account. Enable account activity notifications to receive alerts whenever there is a login or security event related to your admin account.

Remember, effective admin account management is crucial for maintaining the security and smooth operation of your Windows 11 system. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your admin account remains secure and protected from potential threats.

Importance of Regularly Updating User Account Information

Regularly updating user account information on Windows 11, including the admin name, is crucial for several reasons. By keeping your account details up to date, you ensure accurate identification and better organization of user accounts. Additionally, it helps improve security and simplifies user management in the long run.

When you update your user account information, such as the admin name, you ensure that your system accurately reflects your identity. This is especially important if you share your device with others or have multiple user accounts. By having the correct admin name associated with your account, you can quickly and easily differentiate between user profiles and access the appropriate settings and files.

Furthermore, updating user account information plays a vital role in enhancing security on your Windows 11 system. By regularly modifying account details, you minimize the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches. It prevents outdated or incorrect information from becoming a vulnerability and strengthens the overall protection of your personal data and sensitive files.

In addition to security benefits, regularly updating user account information simplifies user management. As you modify account details, it allows you to keep pace with changes in your own life, such as a change in your name or contact information. By ensuring that all user account information is current, you can avoid confusion and facilitate efficient communication.

Overall, understanding the importance of regularly updating user account information encourages proactive account management on Windows 11. By taking the time to modify and maintain accurate details, you promote a more organized and secure computing experience. So, make it a habit to regularly update your user account information, including the admin name, and enjoy the benefits of a well-managed Windows 11 system.

importance of updating user account information on windows 11

Related: Benefits of Regularly Modifying Account Details on Windows 11

  • Enhanced Security: Regular updates to account details contribute to a more secure computing environment by reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Accurate Identification: Updated account information ensures accurate identification of user profiles, making it easier to distinguish between different users on a shared device.
  • Efficient User Management: By keeping account details current, you simplify user management tasks and ensure effective communication within your Windows 11 system.
  • Personalized Experience: Updating user account information, including the admin name, allows for a more personalized computing experience tailored to your preferences and needs.

Regularly updating user account information is not only important for security but also for maintaining an organized and efficient Windows 11 system. By proactively managing your account details, you ensure accurate identification, enhanced security, and streamlined user management. Take control of your user account information and enjoy a seamless computing experience.

The Future of Admin Account Customization on Windows 11

As Windows 11 continues to evolve, the future of admin account customization looks promising. Microsoft is constantly working on improving user experience and providing new features and options for users to customize their systems. This includes potential updates for modifying the admin account on Windows 11.

With each update, Microsoft aims to enhance the flexibility and personalization options for admin account customization. This may include introducing new settings, design choices, and customization tools to make the process even more user-friendly and intuitive.

One exciting aspect of the future of admin account customization on Windows 11 is the potential for greater integration with cloud-based services. This could enable users to sync their admin account settings across multiple devices or easily restore customized settings after a system reset or device upgrade.

Furthermore, Microsoft may explore additional security measures to protect admin account customization. This could include options for multi-factor authentication or advanced password management features, providing users with enhanced control and peace of mind.

By staying up to date with Windows 11 updates, users can gain valuable insights into the potential improvements and new possibilities for admin account customization. This will ensure that they can fully leverage the power of customization to personalize their Windows 11 experience and optimize their workflow.

Stay tuned for future updates from Microsoft as they continue to shape the future of admin account customization on Windows 11, offering even more possibilities for users to tailor their systems to their individual preferences and needs.


Changing the admin name on Windows 11 is a simple yet powerful way to personalize and manage your system. With multiple methods available, such as using the Control Panel, Command Prompt, Settings app, or PowerShell, you have flexibility in modifying the admin name to suit your preferences.

By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can confidently navigate through the process of changing the admin name. Remember to consider the additional tips and best practices to ensure a smooth transition. Personalizing your admin name gives you greater control over your system and creates a more customized computing experience.

Take charge of your Windows 11 system today and enjoy a user-friendly, tailored environment that reflects your unique identity. Whether it’s for personalization, identification, or enhanced security, modifying the admin name is an important step in managing your user accounts effectively.


How do I change the admin name on Windows 11?

There are multiple ways to change the admin name on Windows 11. You can use the Control Panel, Command Prompt, Settings app, Local Users and Groups, or PowerShell for this purpose. Follow the step-by-step instructions for each method to easily modify the admin name.

How can I change the admin name through the Control Panel?

To change the admin name through the Control Panel, access the System Properties window and modify the computer name. This method provides a straightforward way to rename the admin account and easily identify your Windows 11 system.

What is the process for changing the admin name using Command Prompt?

To change the admin name using Command Prompt, execute a series of commands in the command line interface. This method offers more advanced customization options and is suitable for users familiar with using the command line.

Can I change the admin name in the Settings app?

Yes, you can change the admin name in the Settings app of Windows 11. This method provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to modify various system settings, including the admin name, with just a few clicks.

How do I change the admin name through Local Users and Groups?

To change the admin name through Local Users and Groups, access this tool and modify the properties of the admin account. This method offers more granular control over user account settings and is suitable for advanced users.

Is it possible to change the admin name with PowerShell?

Yes, you can change the admin name using PowerShell. By using a simple script in PowerShell, you can modify the admin name. This method is especially useful for system administrators or users comfortable with using PowerShell.

Are there any additional tips for changing the admin name on Windows 11?

Yes, there are some additional tips for changing the admin name on Windows 11. These tips include backing up your data, ensuring compatibility with applications and services, and avoiding common mistakes during the process.

Why would I want to change the admin name on Windows 11?

There are several reasons why you might want to change the admin name on Windows 11. These reasons include personalization, easier identification, improved security, and better organization of user accounts.

What challenges and considerations should I keep in mind when changing the admin name?

When changing the admin name on Windows 11, you should consider potential challenges such as compatibility issues with certain applications or conflicts with other user accounts. It’s important to be aware of these challenges and considerations to ensure a smooth transition.

What are the best practices for admin account management on Windows 11?

The best practices for admin account management on Windows 11 include creating strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly reviewing and updating user account settings. These practices enhance the security and management of your admin account.

How important is it to regularly update user account information on Windows 11?

It’s important to regularly update user account information on Windows 11, including the admin name. This ensures accurate identification, better organization of user accounts, improves security, and simplifies user management in the long run.

What can I expect in terms of the future of admin account customization on Windows 11?

As Windows 11 continues to evolve, Microsoft may release future updates and enhancements to admin account customization. Keeping an eye on these updates can provide valuable insights into potential improvements in the admin account customization process on Windows 11.

What are some final thoughts on changing the admin name on Windows 11?

Changing the admin name on Windows 11 is a simple yet powerful way to personalize and manage your system. By following the step-by-step instructions and considering the additional tips and best practices, you can confidently change the admin name on your Windows 11 system and enjoy a more personalized computing experience.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.