Master Get-ChildItem Directory only Effectively – Example Script

Have you ever struggled to search for specific files in a directory using PowerShell? Are you tired of manually filtering through the clutter to find what you need? Look no further! In this article, I will show you how to master the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and unleash its full potential for efficient directory searches in PowerShell.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get-ChildItem is an essential PowerShell cmdlet for obtaining the contents of directories.
  • It can be used to search for specific files in a directory and perform various actions on them.
  • The cmdlet supports filtering, recursive searches, and enumeration of directory files.
  • Understanding the syntax and parameters of Get-ChildItem is crucial for effective usage.
  • By mastering Get-ChildItem, you can streamline your directory searches and save valuable time.

Get-ChildItem cmdlet Syntax and Parameters

In order to effectively use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell, it is essential to understand its syntax and parameters. By using various parameters, you can customize the behavior of the cmdlet to suit your specific requirements.


The syntax of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet is straightforward:

Get-ChildItem [parameters]Commonly Used Parameters:

  • -Path: Specifies the path of the location to search.
  • -Filter: Applies a specific pattern to filter the search results.
  • -Include: Specifies files or folders to include based on specific criteria, such as file extensions or names.
  • -Exclude: Specifies files or folders to exclude based on specific criteria, such as file extensions or names.
  • -Recurse: Instructs PowerShell to include subfolders in the search.
  • -Depth: Specifies the maximum depth of recursion when using the -Recurse parameter.


Here is an example command that demonstrates the usage of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with parameters:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents" -Include "*.txt" -Recurse

This command will search the specified path and its subfolders for all files with the .txt extension. The -Recurse parameter ensures that the search includes subfolders.

By understanding and utilizing the various parameters available in the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, you can enhance your PowerShell scripting capabilities and efficiently search for files and folders based on specific criteria.

Get-ChildItem Cmdlet Usage

To effectively utilize the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open PowerShell

Launch PowerShell by typing “PowerShell” in the Windows search bar and selecting the application.

Tip: If you prefer using PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), open it instead for a more user-friendly experience.

Step 2: Type the Cmdlet

Once PowerShell is open, type the Get-ChildItem cmdlet followed by the path to the folder you want to search. For example:

Get-ChildItem C:\Documents

Step 3: Review the Results

After executing the cmdlet, PowerShell will return a list of all the files and folders in the specified directory. You can review the results to find the desired files or folders.

Step 4: Perform Actions

With the list of files and folders obtained from the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, you can perform various actions, such as:

  • Viewing properties of specific files or folders
  • Copying or moving files
  • Deleting unwanted files or folders
  • Renaming files or folders
  • And more!

Note: The specific actions you can perform depend on your requirements and the available PowerShell cmdlets.

Step 5: Explore Further

Don’t stop at basic usage! The Get-ChildItem cmdlet offers many options to enhance your file system management experience. You can explore additional parameters and techniques to further customize your searches and streamline your workflows.

By mastering the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and understanding its usage, you can efficiently navigate and manage file system directories in PowerShell.

Cmdlet ParameterDescription
-PathSpecifies the path of the location to search
-FilterApplies a specific pattern to filter results
-IncludeSpecifies items to include based on file extensions or patterns
-ExcludeSpecifies items to exclude based on names or patterns
-RecurseIncludes subfolders in the search

Using Include and Exclude Parameters

In addition to the basic usage of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet for obtaining the contents of directories, the inclusion of the -Include and -Exclude parameters provides a powerful way to target specific files and folders based on certain criteria. These parameters can be used in conjunction with other parameters, such as -Path and -Filter, to further refine the search results.

The -Include parameter allows you to specify a list of file extensions or patterns that you want to include in the search results. For example, if you want to list all the text files in a directory, you can use the command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Include *.txt

This command will return a list of all the text files in the “C:\Documents” directory.

On the other hand, the -Exclude parameter allows you to specify items that you want to exclude from the search results, based on their names or patterns. For example, if you want to list all the files in a directory except for those with “temp” in their names, you can use the command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude *temp*

This command will return a list of all the files in the “C:\Documents” directory, excluding any files with “temp” in their names.

By combining the -Include and -Exclude parameters with other parameters and wildcards, you can create more specific and targeted searches with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.


Here are some examples of using the -Include and -Exclude parameters:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Include *.docxReturns a list of all the Word documents in the “C:\Documents” directory.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude *temporary*Returns a list of all the files in the “C:\Documents” directory, excluding any files with “temporary” in their names.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Include *.xlsx -Exclude *temp*Returns a list of all the Excel files in the “C:\Documents” directory, excluding any files with “temp” in their names.

Filtering with Get-ChildItem – Including the Use of Wildcards

Filtering with Get-ChildItem allows me to narrow down my search results and focus only on the files or folders that I need. One effective technique for filtering with Get-ChildItem is the use of wildcards. Wildcards are special characters that can represent one or more characters in a file or folder name. The most commonly used wildcards are the * (asterisk), which represents any number of characters, and the ? (question mark), which represents a single character.

For example, let’s say I want to find all the files and folders in the “C:\Documents” directory that contain the word “report” in their name. I can use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Filter *report*

This command will return a list of all the files and folders in the “C:\Documents” directory that have the word “report” anywhere in their name. The asterisk (*) acts as a placeholder for any number of characters, so it will match names like “sales_report.txt” or “monthly_sales_report.xlsx”. By using wildcards, I can perform powerful searches and easily find the files and folders that match my criteria.

With the flexibility of wildcards, I can customize my search patterns based on my specific needs. For example:

  • Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Filter *report*.txt: This command will only return text files in the “C:\Documents” directory that have the word “report” in their name.
  • Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Filter repor?.*: This command will return any file or folder in the “C:\Documents” directory that starts with “repor” followed by any single character.
  • Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Filter *.xlsx -Recurse: This command will search for all Excel files (.xlsx) in the “C:\Documents” directory and all its subdirectories.

By utilizing wildcards in conjunction with other parameters, such as -Path and -Filter, I can create precise search patterns and efficiently locate the files and folders I’m looking for. Wildcards give me the flexibility to perform complex searches with ease, enhancing my productivity and efficiency in PowerShell.

Excluding Specific Items

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet also allows you to exclude specific items from the search results. This can be helpful when you want to customize and refine your searches. To exclude items, you can use the -Exclude parameter in combination with Get-ChildItem. The -Exclude parameter specifies items to exclude based on their names or patterns.

For example, let’s say you have a folder named “C:\Documents” and you want to exclude all items with “temp” in their names. You can use the command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude "*temp*"

This command will return all the items in the “C:\Documents” folder, except for those with “temp” in their names. By excluding specific items, you can focus on the files and folders that matter most to you.

To further illustrate how the -Exclude parameter works, here’s an example table showing different scenarios:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude “*.txt”Returns all items in the “C:\Documents” folder except for those with a “.txt” extension.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude “*temp*”Returns all items in the “C:\Documents” folder except for those with “temp” in their names.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Exclude “*temp*” -RecurseReturns all items in the “C:\Documents” folder and its subfolders, except for those with “temp” in their names.

By leveraging the -Exclude parameter, you have greater control over the items you want to exclude from your search results. This allows you to focus on the specific files and folders that are relevant to your needs.


In conclusion, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet is the go-to tool for efficiently managing files and folders in PowerShell. With its versatile features and powerful capabilities, it allows me to effortlessly access the contents of directories, search for specific items, and perform various operations on files and folders.

By mastering the syntax and parameters of Get-ChildItem, I can navigate through different provider paths and retrieve detailed information about child items, such as their names, sizes, and modified dates. This invaluable knowledge empowers me to effectively interact with file system directories in PowerShell.

Moreover, the utilization of include, exclude, and wildcard filtering techniques allows me to refine my search results and narrow down to the specific files and folders I need. By customizing and tailoring my queries, I can effortlessly locate and manage the data I require.

To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of my file system management tasks in PowerShell, I have learned the best practices for leveraging the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. With my newfound expertise, I can confidently streamline my workflow, save time, and ensure a smooth and seamless file management experience.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.