Mastering Get-ChildItem Recurse in PowerShell – Example Script

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem command?

Many PowerShell users are familiar with the basics of using Get-ChildItem to retrieve a list of files and folders in a directory. But did you know that you can take it a step further and use the Get-ChildItem -Recurse parameter to list files and folders recursively?

Discover how you can delve into the depths of your file system and uncover hidden treasures with PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem -Recurse functionality. From searching through directories to performing advanced file management tasks, this powerful cmdlet has got you covered.

In this article, I will guide you through the ins and outs of Get-ChildItem -Recurse. You’ll learn how to use it effectively, leverage its advanced options, and even explore a real-life example script to put your knowledge into action.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get-ChildItem is a powerful cmdlet for retrieving files and folders in PowerShell.
  • The -Recurse parameter allows you to list files and folders recursively.
  • Mastering Get-ChildItem -Recurse can enhance your file management tasks.
  • Advanced options like filtering, sorting, and limiting depth can further optimize your searches.
  • Stay tuned for a real-life example script to see Get-ChildItem -Recurse in action.

Introduction to PowerShell Get-ChildItem

PowerShell Get-ChildItem is a versatile and powerful cmdlet that allows you to retrieve a comprehensive list of child items, including files and folders, from a specified location. As an essential tool for PowerShell users and administrators, Get-ChildItem provides extensive control over data retrieval and file management.

With Get-ChildItem, you can effortlessly navigate the file system, gather valuable information about files and folders, and perform various actions based on your requirements. Whether you need to find specific files, search for particular file types, or analyze folder structures, Get-ChildItem empowers you to efficiently manage and manipulate your data.

Let’s dive deeper into the capabilities of PowerShell Get-ChildItem and explore how it can enhance your PowerShell scripting experience.

Powered by its user-friendly interface and robust functionality, Get-ChildItem allows you to seamlessly navigate through directories, retrieve information about files and folders, and perform operations on them. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced PowerShell user, Get-ChildItem offers a straightforward approach to managing your file system.

Get-ChildItem cmdlet Syntax and Parameters

In order to effectively utilize the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell, it is essential to understand its syntax and parameters. The syntax of the cmdlet is simple and consists of the command “Get-ChildItem” followed by one or more parameters. These parameters allow you to customize your search and retrieval process, providing greater flexibility and control over the items you retrieve.

Here are a few commonly used parameters:

-PathSpecifies the location from which you want to retrieve items. It can be a directory or a file path.
-FilterEnables you to specify a filter that narrows down the search results based on file names or extensions.
-IncludeSpecifies the file extensions you want to include in the retrieved items. You can provide multiple extensions as a list.
-ExcludeAllows you to exclude specific items based on their names or patterns. This parameter is useful when you want to filter out unwanted files or folders.
-RecurseEnables recursive searching, meaning it retrieves items not only from the specified path but also from all its subdirectories.
-DepthSpecifies the depth to which the recursion should be applied. This parameter allows you to limit the number of levels to search.

These parameters offer you the flexibility to customize your Get-ChildItem queries and retrieve the specific items you need. By understanding and utilizing these parameters effectively, you can streamline your file management tasks and enhance your PowerShell scripting skills.

Now that we have explored the syntax and parameters of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, let’s move on to the next section and learn more about its usage in PowerShell.

Get-ChildItem Cmdlet Usage

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet is a versatile tool that allows you to retrieve items from a specified path in PowerShell. Whether you need to quickly list files and folders in a directory or perform more complex operations, Get-ChildItem has got you covered.

To start using Get-ChildItem, open PowerShell and simply type Get-ChildItem, followed by the path to the folder you want to search. Let’s say you want to list all the files and folders in the “C:\Documents” directory. You would type:

Get-ChildItem C:\Documents

This command will display detailed information such as the name, size, and last modification time of the files and folders within the specified directory. This can be particularly useful when you need to quickly assess the contents of a folder or retrieve specific file attributes.

But the power of Get-ChildItem doesn’t stop there. It also allows you to perform various operations on the retrieved items. You can, for example, sort the results by name or size, filter out specific files or folders based on their attributes, or even limit the depth of retrieval to a certain number of levels.

List Files and Folders

When you use Get-ChildItem without any additional parameters, it will retrieve all the files and folders within the specified directory. The output will include details such as:

  • Name: The name of the file or folder
  • Length: The size of the file in bytes
  • LastWriteTime: The date and time the file was last modified

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the contents within a directory, allowing you to quickly identify important files or folders.

Perform Operations on Items

Get-ChildItem also enables you to perform various operations on the retrieved items. For instance, you can sort the results based on specific criteria:

Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object NameSorts the results alphabetically by name
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object LengthSorts the results by file size

Furthermore, you can filter out specific files or folders based on their attributes using the -Include and -Exclude parameters. These parameters allow you to specify patterns or file extensions to include or exclude from the results.

Limit the Depth of Retrieval

In some cases, you may only want to retrieve items up to a certain depth within a directory structure. Get-ChildItem offers the -Depth parameter, which allows you to limit the number of levels to search.

For example, to retrieve items up to a depth of 2 within a directory, you can use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Documents -Depth 2

This will only retrieve items within the specified directory and its immediate subdirectories, but no deeper. This can be handy when you want to focus on a specific section of a directory tree.

As you can see, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet provides a powerful and flexible way to navigate and manipulate files and folders in PowerShell. It’s a handy tool to have in your arsenal, whether you’re a PowerShell novice or an experienced user.

Using Include and Exclude Parameters

When working with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, you can further refine your results by using the powerful -Include and -Exclude parameters. These parameters allow you to include or exclude specific files and folders based on your criteria, providing greater control over the output.

The -Include parameter is used to specify a list of file extensions that you want to include in the results. For example, if you only want to retrieve files with the .txt and .csv extensions, you can use the following syntax:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Files -Include *.txt, *.csv

This command will return a list of all files with the .txt and .csv extensions in the C:\Files directory.

On the other hand, the -Exclude parameter allows you to exclude specific items based on their names or patterns. This is useful when you want to filter out certain files or folders from the results. For instance, if you want to exclude all files with the word “backup” in their names, you can use the following syntax:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Files -Exclude *backup*

This command will retrieve all files and folders in the C:\Files directory except for those with “backup” in their names.

Additionally, you can combine the -Include and -Exclude parameters to create more precise filters. This allows you to retrieve or exclude specific files and folders based on multiple criteria. For example, to retrieve only .txt files but exclude any files with “old” in their names, you can use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Files -Include *.txt -Exclude *old*

This command will return a list of .txt files in the C:\Files directory, excluding any files with “old” in their names.

By effectively using the -Include and -Exclude parameters, you can precisely filter your results and ensure that you retrieve only the files and folders that meet your specific criteria.

Filtering with Get-ChildItem – Including the Use of Wildcards

In PowerShell, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet offers powerful options for filtering the results based on specific file names or extensions. This allows you to precisely retrieve the files or folders that meet your criteria. One of the key parameters for filtering is the -Filter parameter, which accepts wildcards such as * and ?. These wildcards enable you to match one or more characters in a file or folder name, enhancing the flexibility of your search.

When using wildcards with Get-ChildItem, you can perform advanced filtering operations using patterns and placeholders. The * wildcard represents any combination of characters, while the ? wildcard represents a single character. By combining these wildcards with file name patterns or extensions, you can create targeted filters to narrow down your search results.

For example, let’s say you want to retrieve all text files within a directory. You can use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.txt"

This command will retrieve all files with a .txt extension, regardless of the filename. You can also use wildcards to match specific characters within a filename. For instance, if you want to retrieve all files that start with “report” and end with a .xlsx extension, you can use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Filter "report*.xlsx"

This command will retrieve all files that start with “report” and end with the .xlsx extension, regardless of the characters in between. By utilizing wildcards in your filters, you can easily adapt your search criteria to meet specific requirements.

Using wildcards with Get-ChildItem empowers you to perform dynamic filtering operations, ensuring that you get the precise results you need. Experiment with different wildcard combinations to fine-tune your search and make your file and folder retrieval more efficient.

*.doc*Retrieve all files that contain “doc” in their name with any characters before or after.
file?.txtRetrieve files with a name that is exactly five characters long and starts with “file”, ending in “.txt”.
report???.xlsxRetrieve files with a name that starts with “report” and is followed by exactly three characters, ending in “.xlsx”.
*.jpg|*.pngRetrieve files with either a .jpg or .png extension.

Advanced Options with Get-ChildItem

When working with Get-ChildItem in PowerShell, you have access to advanced options that allow you to sort the retrieved items, limit the depth of retrieval, and retrieve specific types of files or folders based on attributes. These options help you fine-tune your search and efficiently manage your files and folders using PowerShell.

Sorting the Retrieved Items

To organize the retrieved items in a specific order, you can sort them based on properties such as name, size, or last modification time. This enables you to easily locate and work with the files and folders that are most relevant to your needs.

Limiting the Depth of Retrieval

By specifying the depth of retrieval, you can control how deep Get-ChildItem searches for files and folders. This allows you to focus on a specific level or range of directories, saving time and resources. For example, you can limit the retrieval to only the immediate subdirectories or a certain number of levels down.

Retrieving Specific Types of Files or Folders

Get-ChildItem provides the flexibility to retrieve specific types of files or folders based on their attributes. You can filter the retrieval to include only read-only, hidden, or system files and folders, enabling you to perform targeted operations on them.

Take full advantage of these advanced options to efficiently navigate and manage your files and folders using PowerShell. By using sorting, limiting the depth of retrieval, and retrieving specific types of items, you can streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

Advanced OptionDescription
SortingSort the retrieved items based on properties like name, size, or last modification time.
Limiting Depth of RetrievalControl the depth of retrieval to focus on specific levels or ranges of directories.
Retrieving Specific TypesRetrieve files or folders based on attributes such as read-only, hidden, or system.


Mastering the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell is the key to efficient file and folder management. With its extensive parameters and options, Get-ChildItem provides a versatile toolset for retrieving, filtering, and sorting items with ease. By gaining proficiency in Get-ChildItem, you can enhance your PowerShell scripting skills and optimize your workflows as a PowerShell user or administrator.

In summary, Get-ChildItem empowers you to navigate the file system, gather detailed information about files and folders, and perform various operations on them. Whether you need to list all files and folders in a specific directory, search for items based on specific criteria, or sort them by various attributes, Get-ChildItem has got you covered. It allows you to tailor your search and retrieval process to meet your specific needs.

Unlock the full potential of Get-ChildItem to streamline your file management tasks and boost productivity. Now that you have a solid understanding of the cmdlet’s capabilities, take the time to explore and experiment with its features. With practice, you’ll become a Get-ChildItem master and maximize the efficiency of your PowerShell scripts.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.