Get-ChildItem Full Path Guide for PowerShell Users – Example Script

Are you a PowerShell user looking to retrieve the full path of files and directories? Look no further.
In this article, I’ll guide you through the Get-ChildItem full path cmdlet in PowerShell, showing you how to obtain objects and fetch items from specific locations with ease.

But have you ever wondered how to filter the results based on specific attributes or conditions?
Or how to retrieve items recursively from a directory and its subdirectories?

Well, hold your curiosity as we dive deep into the capabilities of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. Let’s explore the power it holds and how it can revolutionize your PowerShell usage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to retrieve the full path of files and directories with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.
  • Discover how to fetch items from specific locations, such as file system directories.
  • Explore the various parameters of Get-ChildItem, including filtering and limiting results.
  • Unlock the ability to retrieve items recursively from a directory and its subdirectories.
  • Master the usage of Get-ChildItem full path to enhance your PowerShell skills.

Please adhere to the mentioned briefing and guidelines for the remaining sections of the article.

Get Child Items from a Specific Directory

To retrieve child items from a specific file system directory, you can use the -Path parameter with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. Let me show you an example:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Program Files

This command will display all the files and folders in the specified directory, including their full paths. It’s a handy way to quickly get a comprehensive list of items within a specific directory.

If you’re interested in filtering the results to display only certain file types, you can use the -Filter parameter. For instance, to only view .txt files, you can modify the command like this:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Program Files -Filter "*.txt"

This command will retrieve and display only the .txt files from the specified directory.

As you can see, with the Get-ChildItem full path cmdlet and the appropriate parameters such as -Path and -Filter, you have the flexibility to easily access and work with the child items in a specific directory in PowerShell.

Retrieve Items Recursively using get-childitem full path

When working with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell, the -Recurse parameter is a valuable tool that allows me to retrieve items recursively from a specified directory and its subdirectories. By combining it with the -Path parameter, I can easily display all the files and folders within a directory, including their full paths. This feature becomes especially useful when I need to obtain a complete directory listing that includes all nested items.

For example, if I want to retrieve all the files and folders within the “C:\Projects” directory and its subdirectories, I would use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Projects -Recurse
get-childitem fullpath

This command retrieves all the files and folders within the “C:\Projects” directory, as well as any subdirectories within it. The result is a comprehensive listing of all items, including their full paths.


Let’s take a look at the output of the command above:

Item NameFull Path

In the example above, the command retrieved all the files and folders within the “C:\Projects” directory, including the subdirectories “Folder1” and “Folder2”. It also displayed the full paths for each item, making it easy to identify their locations.

By using the -Recurse parameter, I can efficiently navigate through complex directory structures and gather all the necessary information about the files and folders within them. This capability helps me save time and effort when working on projects that involve extensive file system operations.

Filtering and Limiting Results

When working with the Get-ChildItem full path cmdlet, users have the flexibility to further refine their results by utilizing various parameters. These parameters enable users to narrow down their search and obtain specific subsets of data. Let’s explore some of the key parameters for filtering and limiting results:

1. -Directory Parameter

The -Directory parameter allows users to restrict the results to only directories or folders. By using this parameter, you can focus solely on retrieving directory information, disregarding any files that might be present. This can be useful when you are primarily interested in understanding the structure and organization of your file system.

2. -File Parameter

On the other hand, the -File parameter limits the results to only files, excluding directories from the output. This parameter comes in handy when you want to perform operations exclusively on files, without the need to consider folders in your analysis. This level of specificity can save time and streamline your tasks.

3. -Filter Parameter

The -Filter parameter provides users with the ability to apply filters based on specific patterns in file or folder names. By specifying a pattern, such as “*.txt”, you can retrieve only the items that match the given criteria. This empowers you to narrow down the results to a particular set of files or folders, improving the efficiency and accuracy of your scripts.

Combining these parameters allows you to customize your results based on your specific requirements. Here’s an example of how you can use them together:

Parameter CombinationDescription
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data -DirectoryRetrieves only the directories within the specified path “C:\Data”.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data -File -Filter "*.txt"Filters the retrieved items to include only files with the .txt extension within the specified path “C:\Data”.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data -Directory
get-childitem full path folder directory
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Data -File -Filter "*.txt"
get-childitem full path with extension

By combining the appropriate parameters, you can streamline your search and obtain precise results. This level of control over the output ensures that you can focus on the relevant data for your analysis, enhancing your productivity and effectiveness.

Now that you understand how to filter and limit results using the Get-ChildItem full path cmdlet, you can leverage these techniques to extract the exact information you need from your file system.

Monitoring Disk Usage

Let’s suppose if you wants to get list of directory which are greater than 10MB, then you can use below command.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 10MB} | Select-Object FullName, Length

For, files and folders less than 10MB, below command can be used.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Length -lt 10MB} | Select-Object FullName, Length
get-childitem full path to get folder more than specific size

Utilizing Get-ChildItem for Backup Operations

Backing Up Recently Modified Files

In the realm of data protection, incremental backups are essential for ensuring that only the most recent changes are stored, reducing the time and storage space required. Utilizing Get-ChildItem in PowerShell allows for precise targeting of files modified within a specific timeframe. For instance, to backup files altered in the last week, the command would be:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Copy-Item -Destination C:\BackupDirectory

This command filters files based on the LastWriteTime property, copying only those that meet the criteria to the designated backup location.

By leveraging the capabilities of Get-ChildItem, administrators can automate the backup process, ensuring that recent modifications are not lost and that backup operations are both efficient and reliable.

Script Example for Incremental Backups

To perform an incremental backup using PowerShell, you can leverage the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to identify and copy only the files that have been modified within a specific timeframe. The key to this operation is the LastWriteTime property, which allows you to filter files based on their last modification date.

For instance, to backup files modified in the last 7 days, you could use the following script:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\BackupDirectory

This script will recursively search through ‘C:\YourDirectory’ and copy the files that have been modified in the past week to ‘C:\BackupDirectory’. It’s a simple yet powerful way to ensure that your backups are both current and efficient.

By using this method, you minimize the amount of data that needs to be transferred during each backup operation, which can significantly reduce the time and storage required.

Remember to replace C:\YourDirectory and C:\BackupDirectory with the actual paths you wish to use for the source and destination directories. Additionally, you can adjust the number of days by changing the value in AddDays(-7) to suit your backup schedule.

Understanding the LastWriteTime Property

The LastWriteTime property in PowerShell is a critical attribute when managing files, especially for backup operations. It represents the date and time a file was last modified. By leveraging this property, you can create scripts that selectively process files based on their modification times, ensuring that only the most recent or relevant files are handled.

Filtering files by their LastWriteTime is a common practice in backup scripts. For instance, to backup files modified within the last week, you might use a command like Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}. This command will select files with a LastWriteTime greater than seven days ago from the current date.

Understanding and utilizing the LastWriteTime property can significantly streamline backup and maintenance tasks, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and power users alike.

Creating Structured Reports with Get-ChildItem

Generating CSV Reports of Directory Contents

Creating a CSV report of a directory’s contents is a straightforward process with PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem cmdlet. The ability to export file details into a CSV format is particularly useful for record-keeping, analysis, or sharing structured information. By using the Select-Object cmdlet, you can specify the exact details you want to include in your report, such as file names, sizes, and modification dates.

To generate a CSV report, you can use the following PowerShell command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Select-Object Name, Length, LastWriteTime | Export-Csv -Path C:\DirectoryContentsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation

This command will list all the files in ‘C:\YourDirectory’ and export the selected properties to a CSV file named ‘DirectoryContentsReport.csv’. It’s a simple yet powerful way to document the state of a directory at a given point in time.

Remember, the -NoTypeInformation parameter is crucial to exclude the type information from the CSV output, making the file cleaner and more readable for non-technical stakeholders.

Script Example for Exporting File Details

After you’ve identified the files you want to report on using Get-ChildItem, the next step is to export these details into a CSV file. This process is streamlined with PowerShell’s pipeline feature. By piping the output of Get-ChildItem into Select-Object, you can specify the file attributes you wish to include in your report, such as the name, size, and last modification time.

Here’s a concise script example:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Select-Object Name, Length, LastWriteTime | Export-Csv -Path C:\DirectoryContentsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation

This script will generate a CSV file named DirectoryContentsReport.csv containing a structured list of file details from the specified directory. The -NoTypeInformation parameter ensures that the CSV output is clean and free of type metadata, making it more readable and suitable for sharing.

The versatility of Get-ChildItem can be further extended with additional parameters and filters to tailor the output to your specific needs. For example, you can include or exclude certain file types, or filter by file size or date modified.

Remember to test your scripts in a safe environment before running them on critical data. The ability to export directory information efficiently can significantly aid in data management and analysis tasks.

Analyzing and Sharing Directory Information

Once you have generated a CSV report of your directory’s contents using Get-ChildItem, the next step is to analyze and share this valuable data. The structured nature of CSV files makes them ideal for a variety of analytical tools and easy to share with team members or integrate into other reports.

For instance, you might want to summarize the total size of files within each subdirectory, or identify the most recently modified files. Here’s a simple table that could be included in a report to highlight key information about the files in a directory:

File NameSize (KB)Last Modified

PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem command is a powerful and versatile tool, efficiently listing directories with flexibility and precision. Enhance productivity and streamline directory management with tailored output and filtering options.

By leveraging the data from Get-ChildItem, stakeholders can make informed decisions about file management, archiving strategies, and more. The ability to quickly generate and disseminate this information is crucial in today’s fast-paced environments.

Identifying and Managing Duplicate Files

Finding Duplicate Files by Name

When managing files with PowerShell, identifying duplicates is a common task that can help in optimizing storage space. The Get-ChildItem command is particularly useful for this purpose. By using it in conjunction with the Group-Object cmdlet, you can easily group files by their names and pinpoint where redundancies lie.

To begin, execute a command that lists all items in a directory and pipes the results to Group-Object. This will aggregate files with identical names. Next, filter out the groups that contain only a single file, as these are not duplicates. The remaining groups will represent files with matching names, which are potential duplicates.

Remember, this method does not compare file contents; it only identifies files with the same name. For a more thorough check, you might need to compare file hashes or sizes.

Here’s a simple breakdown of the steps:

  1. Use Get-ChildItem to retrieve all files.
  2. Pipe the output to Group-Object -Property Name.
  3. Filter with Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 } to find duplicates.
  4. Optionally, use Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group to list the duplicate files.

Script Example for Grouping and Filtering

When dealing with a large number of files, identifying duplicates can be a daunting task. PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem cmdlet simplifies this process by allowing you to group files by their names and filter out unique entries. The script below demonstrates how to pinpoint duplicate files in a directory.

First, retrieve all items within the target directory recursively. Then, use the Group-Object cmdlet to group the files by their name. Finally, filter the groups to only show those with more than one file, which indicates duplicates:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | 
Group-Object -Property Name | 
Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 } | 
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group

This script is particularly effective for cleaning up your directories and freeing up disk space. By grouping and filtering, you can quickly identify and manage duplicate files, making your file system more efficient and organized.

Cleaning Up Redundant Files to Free Space

When it comes to maintaining an organized file system, identifying and removing duplicate files is essential. With PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem cmdlet, you can streamline this process. Start by using the cmdlet to list all items in a directory and then employ the Group-Object function to group files by their Name property. This will help you spot files with identical names, which could be potential duplicates.

To ensure accuracy in identifying duplicates, consider the file size or a hash of the file content for a more definitive comparison. Once you’ve identified duplicates, you can proceed to delete them, freeing up valuable disk space. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Use Get-ChildItem to retrieve all files in the target directory.
  2. Group the results by file name using Group-Object.
  3. Filter groups containing more than one file to find duplicates.
  4. Review the list of duplicates and remove them manually or with a script.

Remember, always verify that the files are indeed duplicates before deletion to avoid accidental data loss. Automation can greatly speed up this process, but caution is advised when deleting files programmatically.

Searching for Specific Content in Files

Locating Documents Containing Specific Text

When working with a large number of files, it’s often necessary to locate documents containing a specific text string. This task can be daunting if done manually, but PowerShell simplifies the process with the combination of Get-ChildItem and Select-String. The command below demonstrates how to search for files with content matching a particular pattern:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "specific text" | Select-Object Path

This pipeline first lists all files in the specified directory, then filters those containing the specific text, and finally outputs the full path of each matching file. It’s an efficient method for text analysis or locating files related to a specific topic.

Remember, PowerShell supports wildcard characters in cmdlet parameters, which can be incredibly useful when searching for variations of a text string.

For instance, if you’re unsure about the exact phrase but know a part of it, you can use wildcards to broaden your search. This flexibility is particularly helpful in scenarios where the text may have slight variations across different documents.

Script Example for Text String Search

When you’re tasked with finding files that contain a certain text string, PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem combined with Select-String becomes an invaluable tool. For instance, to locate all documents that include the phrase “specific text”, you would use the following command:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "specific text" | Select-Object Path

This command sequence is particularly useful for text analysis or pinpointing files related to a specific topic. The output is streamlined to show only the paths of files that match the search criteria, making it easy to identify the relevant documents.

Remember, the effectiveness of this search is highly dependent on the accuracy of the Pattern you specify. It’s essential to use the correct comparison operators to ensure the desired results.

Here’s a simple breakdown of the command:

  • Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse lists all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  • Select-String -Pattern "specific text" filters the files to find those containing the specified text string.
  • Select-Object Path extracts the file paths from the filtered results.

Using Select-String with Get-ChildItem

When searching for specific content within files, PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem combined with Select-String becomes a powerful tool. By using the -Recurse parameter, you can perform a recursive search throughout a directory and its subdirectories to locate documents containing a particular text string. This is especially useful when you’re unsure of the exact filenames but need to find files related to a specific topic.

For instance, to find all files that include the phrase “specific text”, you would execute the following command: Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "specific text" | Select-Object Path. This pipeline first lists the files, then filters them using Select-String, and finally outputs the get-childitem full path of the matching files.

Remember, the power of PowerShell lies in its ability to chain commands together to create more complex and tailored queries.

Here’s a quick reference for the command structure:

  • Get-ChildItem: Lists files in the specified directory.
  • -Recurse: Searches through all subdirectories.
  • Select-String: Filters files containing the specified pattern.
  • Select-Object Path: Outputs the full path of the files that match the pattern.

Listing Directories Exclusively

Getting a List of All Subdirectories

When managing directories, it’s often necessary to focus exclusively on the folder structure, omitting files from the view. PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem cmdlet can be tailored to list only the subdirectories within a specified path. By using the -Directory parameter, you instruct Get-ChildItem to return directories exclusively, which is particularly useful for analyzing directory structures or preparing for directory-based operations.

To retrieve a comprehensive list of all subdirectories in ‘C:\YourDirectory’, the following command can be executed:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Directory -Recurse | Select-Object FullName

This command will output the full path of each subdirectory, allowing for a clear and organized view of the entire directory hierarchy. The -Recurse flag ensures that all nested subdirectories are included in the results.

Remember, understanding the layout of your directories is crucial when planning tasks such as backups, migrations, or simply getting an overview of your data storage.

For instance, if you’re looking to create a zip file for each subfolder, you could start by generating a list of subfolders with Get-ChildItem, as shown in the snippet from the Microsoft Community:

Script Example for Directory-Only Listing

To list directories exclusively in PowerShell, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet can be tailored with the -Directory parameter. This ensures that only directories are returned, omitting files from the results. Here’s a simple script that demonstrates how to achieve this:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Directory -Recurse | Select-Object FullName

This script will recursively list all subdirectories within the specified path, providing a comprehensive view of the directory structure. The FullName property is selected to get the full path of each directory, which can be particularly useful for documentation or further processing.

When analyzing directory structures, it’s often helpful to have a structured output. Below is a command that exports the directory list to a CSV file, allowing for easy sharing and analysis:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Directory -Recurse | Select-Object FullName | Export-Csv -Path C:\DirectoryList.csv -NoTypeInformation

By exporting to CSV, you gain the flexibility to manipulate and analyze the directory data using other tools, such as Excel or database software.

Analyzing Directory Structures

When managing a file system, it’s crucial to understand the directory structure to maintain organization and efficiency. Analyzing directory structures is a fundamental step in ensuring that your directories are well-organized and that data is stored logically. With PowerShell’s Get-ChildItem cmdlet, you can easily list all subdirectories within a given directory, providing a clear view of the folder hierarchy.

Get-ChildItem can be particularly useful when preparing for operations that involve directory manipulation or when you need to understand the relationship between different folders. For instance, you might want to ensure that a backup script only targets specific subdirectories, or you may need to assess the complexity of a directory before a migration.

By mastering the use of Get-ChildItem for directory analysis, you can learn best practices for file system management in PowerShell to streamline workflow and ensure an efficient file management experience.

Here’s a simple example of how to list directories exclusively:

  1. Open PowerShell.
  2. Execute the following command: Get-ChildItem -Path C:\YourDirectory -Directory -Recurse | Select-Object FullName.
  3. Review the output to understand the directory layout.


The Get-ChildItem cmdlet is an invaluable tool for PowerShell users who need to retrieve and manipulate file system items. With a thorough understanding of its various parameters and usage scenarios, users can harness the full power of this command to streamline their file management tasks.

By utilizing the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, users can effortlessly obtain the full file paths of items in a specified directory, enabling better organization and documentation of their files. Whether they need to locate specific files or perform operations on multiple items, this command simplifies the process and saves valuable time.

Moreover, the ability to retrieve items recursively expands the functionality of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, allowing users to access not only the files and folders in a single directory but also their subdirectories. This feature proves particularly handy when dealing with complex file structures or when conducting comprehensive file audits.

In addition, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet offers convenient filtering options. Users can easily narrow down their results by specifying attributes or conditions, such as limiting the output to only directories or files, or filtering based on specific file extensions. This flexibility ensures that users can quickly locate the exact items they need, eliminating the hassle of manual sorting.

With the example scripts provided in this guide, users can quickly grasp the practical applications of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and start implementing it in their PowerShell workflows. By taking advantage of its full path retrieval capabilities, recursive operations, and powerful filtering features, PowerShell users can enhance their file management efficiency and streamline their daily tasks.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.