Easy Method – How to Add a Line Under a Cell in Excel – [2024]

Have you ever wondered how to add a line under a cell in Excel? It’s a common requirement when you want to highlight certain information or enhance the appearance of your spreadsheet. But how do you do it? Is it as simple as clicking a button or is there a more complex method?

In this article, we will explore the various techniques you can use to add a line under a cell in Excel. From underlining the text to applying different styles of underlines, adding bottom borders, and even drawing lines using the Shapes feature, we will cover it all. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to achieve this effect and elevate your Excel skills to the next level.

So, are you ready to take your Excel game up a notch? Let’s dive in and discover the easy method to add a line under a cell in Excel!

How to Insert or Delete Rows and Columns in Excel

In Excel, you have the flexibility to adjust the layout of your spreadsheets by easily inserting or deleting rows and columns. This allows you to customize your worksheet to meet your specific needs and improve the organization of your data.

To insert a column in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select any cell within the column where you want to insert a new column.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click on Insert in the Insert group.
  3. Choose Insert Sheet Columns from the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the top of the column and select Insert.

Inserting a row in Excel is similar:

  1. Select any cell within the row where you want to insert a new row.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click on Insert in the Insert group.
  3. Choose Insert Sheet Rows from the drop-down menu.

Another option is to right-click on the row number and select Insert.

When you insert rows or columns, any existing formatting will be transferred to the new row or column by default. However, if you prefer not to apply the formatting, you can select the Insert Options button that appears after inserting and choose from the available options.

To delete cells, rows, or columns in Excel:

  1. Select the cells, rows, or columns you want to delete.
  2. Right-click and select the appropriate delete option.

When you delete rows or columns, the remaining rows or columns automatically shift up or to the left.

If you change your mind after deleting a cell, row, or column, simply press Ctrl+Z to undo the deletion.

To insert or delete cells within a worksheet:

  1. Right-click the cell above or select a group of cells.
  2. Right-click the selection and choose the appropriate insert or delete option.

By utilizing these options, you can easily adjust the structure of your Excel worksheet and optimize the layout of your data.

Insert ColumnCtrl + Shift + +Inserts a new column to the left of the selected column.
Insert RowCtrl + Shift + +Inserts a new row above the selected row.
Delete ColumnCtrl + –Deletes the selected column.
Delete RowCtrl + –Deletes the selected row.

How to Wrap Text and Control Vertical Alignment in Excel

When working with text in Excel cells, you may encounter situations where the text extends beyond the boundaries of a cell. To address this, you can choose to wrap the text automatically or manually insert line breaks.

To wrap text automatically, right-click inside the cell, select Format Cells, go to the Alignment tab, and check the Wrap Text box. This will cause the text to wrap within the cell, displaying on multiple lines. In versions of Excel that feature the Ribbon interface (2007 and up), you can find the Wrap Text button directly on the Home tab.

If you want more control over where the line breaks occur, you can manually insert line breaks by pressing ALT-ENTER on your keyboard (or CTRL-OPTION-ENTER or CTRL-COMMAND-ENTER on a Mac). This will create a hard return within the cell, allowing you to create multiple lines of text.

Additionally, you can adjust the vertical alignment of the text in Excel cells to enhance readability. By default, the text is aligned at the bottom of the cell. To change the vertical alignment, select the cells you want to re-align, right-click to access the Format Cells option, navigate to the Alignment tab, and select the desired alignment option from the Vertical drop-down menu. You can choose to align the text at the top, bottom, or center of the cell.

It’s important to note that if you copy and paste cells with line breaks, you may encounter some issues with the copied text appearing in different cells. To avoid this, you need to follow specific copying and pasting methods.

Excel FeatureDescription
Wrap TextAutomatically wraps text within a cell to display on multiple lines.
Insert Line BreaksManually insert line breaks to create multiple lines of text within a cell.
Vertical AlignmentAdjust the vertical alignment of text within a cell to improve readability.
Copying Cells with Line BreaksFollow specific methods to copy and paste cells with line breaks without issues.

With these options at your disposal, you can easily wrap text, control line breaks, and adjust vertical alignment in Excel according to your preferences, making your spreadsheets more polished and visually appealing.


In conclusion, adding a line under a cell in Excel can be achieved through various methods. One way is by underlining the text or numbers in a cell or range of cells. This can be done by selecting the cell or range and using the underline button in the Font group of the Home tab. Another option is to apply different underline styles, such as double underline or single accounting underline, using the Font dialog box. You can also add a bottom border to a cell or range of cells by selecting them and using the bottom border button in the Font group. Alternatively, you can draw lines using the Shapes feature in the Illustrations group of the Insert tab. Simply select a line from the Lines section and drag it under the cells you want to underline. These different techniques allow you to enhance the visual appearance of your spreadsheets and give them a more professional look.

In addition to adding lines under cells, it’s important to understand how to insert or delete rows and columns in Excel. This allows you to adjust the structure of your worksheet and better organize your data. To insert a column or row, you can select a cell within the column or row and use the insert options in the Home tab. You can also right-click on the column or row and select the insert option. When inserting rows or columns, existing formatting is transferred to the new rows or columns by default. However, you can choose not to apply the formatting if desired. To delete cells, rows, or columns, simply select them and right-click to access the delete options. The remaining rows or columns will automatically shift to adjust the layout of the worksheet.

Furthermore, Excel provides flexible options for wrapping text and controlling vertical alignment in cells. You can choose to wrap text automatically by right-clicking inside the cell and selecting the wrap text option. This allows the text to display on multiple lines within the cell. If you want more control over line breaks, you can manually insert them by pressing ALT-ENTER on your keyboard. To improve readability, you can adjust the vertical alignment of the text in cells. By selecting the cells, right-clicking to access the format cells option, and choosing the desired alignment option, you can align the text at the top, bottom, or center of the cells. These Excel features and techniques enable you to create well-formatted and organized spreadsheets that effectively present your data.

Nilesh Kamble is Certified in Microsoft & GCP, having 13+ Years of Experience in IT Industry. As a Senior IT Employee, having vast experience on Windows Server, Windows Client, Powershell, Cloud Technologies. Passionate about Laptop, Mobiles & Other emerging Technologies.